Advanced Digital Inc

Social Media’s Role in Your Business

social media platformsCompanies using social media to connect with potential customers is becoming increasingly popular. Small and large companies are able to reach an increased number of people by sharing a tweet, Facebook post or an Instagram photo.

Improve Customer Service

Having a consistent and positive relationship with your customers plays an important role in having their repeat business. Google+ and Facebook allow consumers to leave reviews, which can be responded to easily. Many believe that you get a better look into a company’s customer service based on not only how but as well as how often a business interacts with their client base on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, G+, etc. Ensure you are replying to users in a timely fashion, as well as in a professional – but engaging – demeanor, much like you would if you were interacting with them in person.

Expand Your Audience

The sharing of content, likes and follows show that consumers trust your business and services. Much like your website has no “closing hours” and can be accessed at any time of day, your social media profiles are set up the same way. Utilizing hashtags is a great way to expand your audience. By applying relevant hashtags to your posts, you’re increasing the probability of customers finding your services while searching. Customers are able to learn more about your business and your brand at any time, on any day. Your business’ brand representation should be consistent on both social media platforms as well as your website.

Increase Organic Search Engine Rankings

Not only are your social media pages encouraging external links to your website, but it also helps you gain authority in the eyes of search engines. If the content you’re adding is original and useful, it will increase engagement and show that your business is trusted by consumers. Google’s most recent algorithm now makes it so that all likes, shares, favorites and replies count towards the increased authority of your website providing of the interactions are genuine and not bought through proxies.

Establish Trust with Consumers

Studies show that 7 out of 10 consumers prefer to do business with a company that has a presence on social media. As social media has become such a staple in our every day life, it is understandable that consumers would want to do business with a company that is up to date with current trends and likely making them more accessible. Reviews on your pages, likes and shares on any platform show potential customers you can be trusted with your services due to the nature of the full transparency that comes with social media.

With over 78% of of Americans having social media profiles, it is important for businesses to utilize the marketing opportunities platforms offer.

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