Did you know the colors of your website can encourage or discourage potential customers. Creating a color scheme for your website is one of the most important aspects of the design and business start-up process. You don’t want to pick your color scheme at random or base it on what looks good to you. Each color has a different meaning or emotion and can influence people in a particular way. Poor color selection can even impact your site’s overall usability negatively.
When it comes to creating a color scheme, businesses want to choose colors that are easily recognizable to the brand. It’s important to choose colors that are impactful to the audience and customer base. For example, a childcare website would include bright and exciting colors to communicate the message of “fun” to children. A Doctor’s office or corporate business may use blue, white or gray.
What Do the Colors Mean?
Red: This color shows a range of emotions, from anger, energy, strength, passion to urgency.
Orange: You may find this color to be cheerful, but it can also be used as a notification
or caution color.
Yellow: This color is similar to orange; cheerful and cautionary color. This color should
be used in moderation on websites.
Green: When looking for a color that communicates wealth and growth, green is the
go-to color. The easiest color for the eyes to process.
Blue: Blue creates the sensation of trust and security; often seen with businesses and banks.
Purple: This color is used to calm and soothe; often seen in beauty or anti-aging products. Brown: This color shows earth, home friendships, outdoors, simplicity.
Other colors include black and white, which are both clean and sleek colors.
When choosing the colors of your business, be sure they complement each other. Avoid too many bold options as it can make a website too busy. Adding black, gray or white is another option when in need of additional colors.