Aye aye, Mateys! It’s that time of year again. Come on down to Billy’s Pirate Festival this Monday, June 6th, for Billy Bowleg’s Pirate Festival Torchlight Parade!
Our client, Habitat for Humanity Restore Fort Walton Beach, is proud to be a part this Fort Walton Beach tradition. Stop by their tent at 39 Eglin Pkwy SE and pick up some grub: hot dogs, hamburgers and even snow cones to help cool you down. At the tent you may ask any questions you have on their current running specials, and gather information about upcoming events run by Habitat for Humanity Restore in the Fort Walton Beach area. (Want some inside scoop? They currently have a pirate area rug perfect for any Billy Bowlegs celebration. Be sure to stop by the ReStore and check that out!)
The Torchlight Parade starts at 6:00 PM on First Street up Eglin Parkway. Keep an eye out for beads and booty being thrown about!